OP-XY Multisample Patch Generator
how to expand / collapse
Drag and drop samples below. Samples are auto-assigned to notes based on their names. Click a note name to change it using a MIDI number (e.g., 60 for Middle C) or note name (e.g., C3, G#5, Bb2). All samples must have a note assigned! Notes and Loop Points will be automatically set if the wav files include the proper metadata. Red Markers: Adjust sample start and end points Blue Markers: Adjust loop start and end points. Double Click a marker: Apply its position to all samples. When done, click Generate Patch to download a zip file containing the preset. Unzip into a folder named PresetName.preset. Check this video for more information about loading samples onto the OP-XY. — OP-XY Drum Patch Generator
op-xy sample requirements expand / collapse
settings expand / collapse
Preset Name: Loop Enabled: Preset Gain: 0 Sample Rate: For best results, set the Sample Rate to 22kHz or lower. Setting the sample rate will automatically re-encode the files. If notes are missing during playback, try reducing the sample rate further.
Drop samples here